Between school, starting a new job, being in a Leadership program, a leader for 1st year students group, balancing my blogs and articles, I will give myself a B+ right now. Ending the 4th week of school, with my personal grading, I am doing fine, but just fine isn't okay with me. Yep, self-professing perfectionist and I'm not afraid to say it. I don't call it OCD because its not a disorder in my eyes, I believe I was born this way and it took some time for me to realize and act upon it.
Let me inform you more about myself as I want people to know more about me. *PSA: You'll understand as time progresses.
Every since I was a kid for some strange reason I had a problem with letting one person know everything about me. I felt like if there was one person who knew everything about me, they would poses the kryptonite stone of information that could be used against me at anytime. Years and years, I still held to that belief that no one person should know everything about me, not my mom, best friend, family, no one! Now I'm in college and even now I've had to mature. moving from Kansas City, KS to Denver, CO was without a doubt the best decision I've made as an independent young adult ever! Maturing more in the (going on 3 years in Denver) than I ever have in Kansas City, I'm finally in a place of comfort personally.
Until this year, if you ask anybody who knows me, ask them what's one thing about Kenon that you know. 90% would probably say something along the lines of "Well, he always has his iPOD with him and in his ears." This year, I'm different though, I've decided to be receptive to all feedback, understand what people really think of me. Conceiving the idea of "How about I not listen to my iPOD as much as I have in the past?" Well that's probably the biggest maturing personal move that I have achieved since living in Denver! Oddly enough, people recognize it; and not just a little but I mean a lot! I've friends come up to me on multiple accounts stating along the lines of "WOW! Kenon you don't have your iPOD in your ears!" "This is the longest period of time I have ever not seen you with your iPOD!" "Is there something wrong, you don't have your headphones in?"
Well I have to get back to work, send out some emails, fill out paper work for the new job and run what I've been told by my college mentor "The Kenon Thompson Empire!" Have fun, smile, laugh (and if you do) enjoy coffee!!!! It's the weekend!!!!!!!!!
*Currently listening to Lil Wayne - Bill Gates (from his new album "I Am Not A Human Being.")
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