Sunday, June 13, 2010

Always Room To Grow Personally

"Even as a perfectionist I'm wise enough to know there is always room to become greater." - Kenon Thompson (Me)

As a young kid, I may not have been as mature personally then my parents was, but I was definitely at my older brother's level. I knew the difference between what was fun to do and what was down right immature. I knew that wearing my pants low (aka saggin') was/is ignorant and unattractive to women with real standards. I knew that immature jokes was/is only fun if you're an immature person. Now don't get me wrong, I love to have fun and joke around, but I know the difference between being a grown having fun and being grown acting like a young immature kid.

I know I've changed from what I was and what I am now. From the music I listen to, to the clothes that I wear and from the mindset that I have. Everyday I think to myself "What can I become better at?" Then I ask my self the next question "How can I become better at it?" No I am not crazy, but being a person who like psychology, it is known that some people comprehend better by hearing something first from their own voice then just thinking it in their mind.

Like myself, you can be a complete perfectionist (self proclaimed or critically), but remember that there is always room to grow personally.

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